Instagramable Tourist Destinations in Bali Bali tourism is never completely discussed. If you want to taste all the tourist options available in this place, it feels like how much time you have spent will never be enough. The beautiful panorama and the various tourist options available are the reasons why tourists who often visit the Island of the Gods keep coming back. Especially if the place you happen to visit in Bali can be captured with a camera and uploaded on social networks and can be said to be very Instagramable Tourist Destinations in Bali. For those of you who want to find a choice of contemporary Instagramable tourist destinations in contemporary Bali, there are several excellent places that you can visit. Curious? Check out the recommendations for Instagramable Tourist Destinations in Bali spots that you can find in Bali below :

Karma Kandara Beach

Bali doesn’t only have popular beaches like the bustling Kuta. One of the beaches that is no less beautiful than Kuta beach is Karma Kandara Beach. Located in Ungasa Village, South Kuta, South Badung, this beach offers a relaxing area that is relatively quiet for visitors. To achieve this instagramable tour in Bali, you have to prepare yourself and your energy because there are hundreds of stairs that must be passed. Another alternative to reach this beach is to use the lift provided by Hotel Karma Kandara. Arriving here, all the efforts you spend will be paid for with the beauty of the beach that is unforgettable and suitable to be captured and shared on social networks.

Tirta Gangga

A former royal palace located in the eastern part of the island of Bali, Tirta Gangga is one of the most popular instagramable tourist destinations in Bali. Literally, this place means water from the Ganges. This name refers to the water palace which was built in 1948 by the King of Karangasem, Anak Agung Anglurah Ketut Karangasem Agung.

In more modern times, the name of this Instagramable tourist attraction in Bali is also used to refer to the fertile rural areas around it. The Trita Gangga Water Palace consists of a maze of pools and fountains surrounded by lush gardens and decorated with many statues. The beauty of this historic royal heritage water park will automatically make you pose like an ancient nobility. To enter the Tirta Gangga complex, don’t forget to prepare an entrance fee of IDR. 30,000.

Hidden Canyon Beji Guwang

As the name implies, which means hidden canyon, Hidden Canyon Beji Guwang, which is located on Jalan Sahadewa, Gianyar Regency, Bali, offers a spectacular panorama of natural beauty. Before officially becoming a tourist attraction, the Beji Guwang canyon was often used by local residents as a fishing spot.

Not far from the vicinity of the river in the Beji Guwang canyon, there is Beji Temple which has a water fountain as a source of drinking water for the local people. The relief of the canyon which consists of steep rocks is very fitting to be immortalized and uploaded to social networks.

But you need to remember, the terrain taken to reach this Instagramable tourist destination in Bali is quite heavy so you need to prepare your energy and stamina before going here. A few tips, to enjoy the beautiful panorama and safety reasons, you should come when the dry season arrives to avoid the rushing river flow.

Tegalalang Rice Fields

If you are looking for a new atmosphere besides the beach and at the same time want to hunt for beautiful photos, the Tegalalang Rice Terraces in Ubud can be your next choice of tourist destination. This instagramable & contemporary tourist spot in Bali presents views of the terraced rice fields that are soothing to the eyes.

Located not far from the tourist attraction of Ubud, the Tegalalang Rice Terrace is located in Ceking Hamlet. There are special places to watch green rice fields that you can use to capture the moment and enjoy the scenery presented.

For those of you who are curious to know more about this instagramable tourist attraction in Bali, you can immediately descend along the rice fields while getting to know more about the irrigation system, rice processing, nurseries, maintenance, and conditions during the harvest season. There are also souvenir shops selling wooden and iron sculptures that are a shame to miss.

Nusa Ceningan

One more Instagramable tourist spot in Bali that you must visit, namely Nusa Ceningan. This small island, which is still part of the three islands of the Nusa Penida archipelago, in the local language, means southeast island.

On this island that has a beautiful white sand beach, you can enjoy a panoramic view of a tropical beach that is not inferior to the Maldives. The current tourist destinations in Bali have been equipped with lodging facilities so you don’t need to rush to enjoy all the offers of the beauty of these tourist destinations.

Aling-Aling Waterfall

Although not as popular as Git-Git Waterfall or Sekumpul Waterfalls, the Aling-Aling Waterfall destination has a panorama that is no less beautiful. Located in the Buleleng area, the next instagramable tourist spot in Bali is actually divided into 2 waterfalls which are located side by side.

The waterfall on the right has a larger water discharge than the waterfall on the left. However, both still have coolness and beautiful panoramas that are a pity to miss.

Pengalon Bamboo House

The Pegalom Bamboo House which is located in Banjar Pengalon, Antiga Village, Manggis District, Karangasem, Bali is actually not finished yet. Built as one of the venues for the Bali Unite music festival, the construction of this building was then stopped due to licensing issues so that until now it has never been completed.

However, although not yet finished, these standing bamboo structures later turned into one of the most popular instagramable spots in Bali to visit. Not only the uniqueness of the bamboo architecture, the view of the lake around it adds to the beauty of this instagramable tourist attraction in Bali.

Lempuyang Luhur Temple

Lempuyang Luhur Temple is an instagramable tourist destination in Bali that was a hit. With a beautiful view of the sky framed by typical Balinese traditional architecture, the panorama offered by Lempuyang Luhur Temple is indeed very instagramable.

Not only instagramable, this contemporary tourist destination in Bali also has a high historical value. Located at an altitude of 1,175 meters above sea level, Lempuyang Luhur Temple has existed since the 8th century and is one of the oldest and highest temples on the island of Bali.

West Bali National Park

Located in the western part, West Bali National Park, can also be an instagramable tourist destination in Bali. This national park which has an area of up to 77,000 hectares consists of forests and savannas, volcanic remnants, and has hundreds of beautiful flora and fauna species.

Not only that, this area is also the last place to find the only endemic Bali that is almost extinct, namely the Bali Starling. In some places there are photo areas that are a pity to miss when visiting.

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